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To do 9 important things everyone should have on their daily to-do list

Mission LiFE


To do 9 important things everyone should have on their daily to-do list

“It’s not the to-do list that counts, but rather the energy and intention behind doing things. And whether they bring you peace or they empty you; whether they leave you feeling fulfilled or simply occupied but never truly satisfied.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc

Having a to-do list can feel like a chore to many people, but only if the list is full of things meant to keep you busy and distracted from what is truly essential and valuable in life; only if the list is full of things that keep you busy but never really satisfied.

9 important things everyone should have on their daily to-do list

1. Do the loving thing

When people act in cruel and evil ways—to you or others—instead of harshly judging, blaming, and condemning them, choose to do the loving thing.

When confusion and doubt creep in and you’re not sure what to do, do the loving thing.

When life beats you down – again and again – and you feel like there’s nothing left for you to do, do it lovingly.

Whatever comes your way, do it lovingly. Plant the seeds of love and in time you will reap a great harvest.

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2. Do it well

To those who are good, but also to those who have forgotten that there is goodness in them.

3. Do no harm

Not even to those who might hurt you. Because by hurting someone else, we always end up hurting ourselves.

4. Do what is right

Even if no one else does… Even if you’re the only one. Do what you know in your heart is right and true for you.

5. Do your best

Not the best your family, partner, friends, neighbors, teachers, society or the whole world imposes on you. But your best!

6. Don’t be afraid

Of anything or anyone. Because fear is nothing but an illusion and love is the only thing that is real. Walk boldly through all fear and return all fear to love.

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7. Do not be discouraged

By the many ‘giants’ you see out there. Because there is one giant in you who is far greater than all the giants of the world.

8. Don’t give up

Simply because so many around you already have. Keep your eyes on your dreams and lovely goals and water them daily not with your fear but your love.

9. Don’t overcomplicate things

Focus on the things that are truly valuable and essential—the things that bring you true peace, joy, and fulfillment—and forget everything else.

And these are some of the important things that everyone should have on their to do list. Why? Because they bring peace, not only to us, but also to everyone we come in contact with. When everything we do comes from a kind, loving and gentle place, everyone around us will feel it. And in return, they will respond with love and kindness to everything we are and do.



Luminita is the founder and editor of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspirational Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details, check out the book page 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy.

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